
19 Items

Happy Independence Day


True freedom is when we are free from your past wounds, free from hurts, free from bondages. When our mind is free to think the right thoughts, our will is free to make the right choices without any fear or pressure. Free in our emotions, to feel them and to express them in the right […]

Intimacy with the Holy Spirit


Develop an intimacy with the Holy Spirit without any agenda or motive. Lay it all down and trust Him. Learning that dependency, a pure relationship with the Holy Spirit, just friendship with Him will launch you in a greater dimension in the realm of miracles than if you were merely seeking Him for miracles. continue reading

Need an Encounter?


The false identity we carry is the reason for our pain, shame and struggles. Many think they are defined by their past, their sins, their shame, their guilt, their occupation, their profession. People think that the solution to their problems is to try harder.
In God we never start from to do something to become, in God you are first and then you do. In Christ we start with a state of being.
n encounter with Christ will change your perspective, a new way to see yourself, a new way to live. continue reading

His Perspective


Carnal mind interprets carnally. Spiritual mind interprets things of the spirit.
Revelation is the unveiling of which is already there but not revealed yet.
Revelation is dependent on our intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and our hunger to commune with Him. continue reading

Do not worship the Bible


Some worship the word and are stuck with it to the extent that they are willing to fight their brother.
Bible is the Word of God. It is the Spirit of God that makes the Word living.
We have the privilege of the Word becoming flesh in us again, where we become the living illustration and manifestation of what God is saying. But if we focus on the word alone, we are in danger of turning the Word made flesh back into a word again.
“It is difficult to expect the same fruit of the early church when we value a book that they didn’t have more than the person they did have.”
The Trinity only has three sides, not four. And it is not Father, Son and Holy Bible.
Do not worship the Bible. Worship the living God, God of the Word and not the Word of God. continue reading

Make room for Jesus


Wonder how the innkeeper, who turned away Mary and Joseph, would have felt when he would have realised that he refused room to the ones responsible for birthing the Supernatural.

Have we reduced Christmas to what is familiar – scenes of nativity, Christmas tree, bells and whistles and the cakes and feasts and the gifts? And often in the midst of all these, the very purpose of the season takes a back seat.

God gave the ultimate gift.

God made the ultimate move – moving toward mankind.

How shall we respond? Who will make room for the move of God?
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Real Faith


You can have faith only for what you know.
That means you cannot have faith for what you don’t know.
You cannot have faith on someone or something unless it has been revealed to you… continue reading

Always Pray and Never Give Up


Always pray and never give up.
Prayer is not a means of coercing God to do what we want. It is a process of recognizing His power and plan for our lives. In prayer, we yield our lives and circumstances to the Lord and trust Him to act in His time and in His way.
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“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24). Each day is a day to be grateful for and celebrate life. We may not always “feel” like it, but we must, “Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God…” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). continue reading…

Passover Decrees & Declarations


Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot are the three Biblical Pilgrim Feasts when the Jewish people journeyed to Jerusalem and brought an offering unto the Lord in expectation of His favor over their lives. This Passover, as in days of old, we should expect a blessing as we bring our Passover offering unto the Lord.
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Spiritual maturity is a process of becoming more like Jesus – our role model. It is a continuous process with an aim to not letting even one word fall to the ground. Being effective and fruitful in the knowledge of Jesus is the essence of spiritual maturity…continue reading