An Encounter with God

Jesus did not come into this world to give new thoughts about God or to tell us to do new things for God. Jesus Christ came into this world as God in His very being.He came to destroy the works of the Devil and reconcile us back to the Father.

And He said, “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” John 14:21 NKJV

Encounter is His promise. Without an encounter with Jesus, Christianity is nothing but just another religion.

Do you want to encounter Christ?

The Encounter Retreat is your appointed time with God. It is to experience wholeness and freedom as one encounters the power of God in their lives. We believe that when you meet God face to face, you encounter change. The negative influences of your past and present are uprooted and you receive healing and freedom from bondages that have held you captive causing a radical transformation in your life. The Bible is full of such life transforming examples of encounters – Moses, Jacob, Samaritan woman, Paul, …

This is a 4D/3N residential offsite heart surgery where one experiences the awesome power of God’s presence for a deep Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Impartation based on the biblical principles. This deep cleansing will establish a Godly foundation for a fruitful and victorious life. We have seen God transform the lives of people who have attended these retreats.

In this journey through the Cross, hindrances are removed so that you may come into an intimate relationship with God, knowing your position and authority, and live life in its fullness.

The Encounter Retreat is not a program or a teaching or a seminar or a conference, it is a ministry of the Holy Spirit for the holistic healing of the spirit, soul and body of every individual (1 Thessalonians 5:23) in an atmosphere for Him to encounter participants and transform their lives. It is about restoring our relationship with our Heavenly Father as we learn to receive His love and then give it away. (Luke 4:18-19).

God knows the foundations of your being and the key areas that have affected your life. During the Retreat you will learn how to get to the bottom of these issues. Only when God goes to the root of the problem and brings healing, you will truly be free from the fruits that plague your life. As Jesus promised, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

God wants to set all of us free irrespective of our caste, culture or social strata. Free from every bondage and the clutches of sin and addiction. Jesus is Saviour of all of humanity. He came to give us this zoe life, a life of abundance that we may enjoy unhindered intimacy with Him not only in heaven but also on earth. (John 10:10)

Hindrances to our Intimacy with God


But there are issues in our lives that hinder this intimate relationship with God. This special retreat gives an opportunity for teaching and ministry into areas such as:

  • Personal Sins
  • Generational Inequities
  • Belief Systems/ Distorted image of God
  • Rejection, Shame, Guilt
  • Hurts and Wounds
  • Unforgiveness
  • Accidents and Trauma
  • Inner Vows
  • Ungodly Soul-ties
  • Bitter Root Judgments
  • Pride
  • Fear and Anxiety
  • Lying and Deceit
  • Addiction
  • Occult
  • Offence

We prayerfully plan the sessions under the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit and we have seen Him tailor the topics, every time, according to the need and relevance of the participants.

The retreat will have over 30 sessions on topics of healing, deliverance and restoration. Each session will have a brief teaching on the subject to impart understanding followed by time of reflection and ministry.

At the end of the Retreat, the participants will have the opportunity to receive personal ministry in the areas which are personal and sensitive and cannot be addressed corporately. They will also receive guidance on their daily walk to ensure they don’t lose their healing, towards restoration of their lives and equipping them to their next level of relationship with God and His people.

Confidentiality – Our highest value as a ministry is maintained through the ministry team person who ministers to you.

Kindly check our Privacy Policy and Terms of the Retreat.

Who can attend?

This is a deep inner healing and deliverance retreat. All who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and have never gone through any deep healing and deliverance, this meeting is for you irrespective of your age, the number of years you are saved, church goer or unchurched, your role in the church or ministry. These retreats cater to people from all denominations.

  • Anyone who wants to be set free from bondages and hurts and walk in freedom,
  • New, young, old believers,
  • Pastors, Leaders, Priests,
  • Those who have never attended a deep-level healing and deliverance,
  • Those who have issues in the above mentioned areas,
  • Anyone who wants to go to the next level of intimacy with God.

Some frequently asked questions.

Q) Why Inner Healing and Deliverance?

You have a behaviour pattern, may be anger, that you are frustrated with but cannot get rid of.

You have been prayed for repeatedly for the same issues and yet they never seem to give a lasting freedom. Maybe you have found that a prayer works temporarily, but the problem keeps cropping up? Because the root of the issue has not been unearthed and dealt with.

It may feel like you have been going round and round in circles. Your efforts are not bearing consistent fruit and progress.

Or maybe you are addicted to anything that keeps you bound, e.g. pornography. Over 60% of the church is affected though no one admits. More than 54% pastors have problems with this.

You have been rejected in the past right from your childhood or even in the womb. These caused deep hurts and wounds. You have built barriers and developed hurtful mechanisms that other people cannot hurt you.

You have had situations of betrayal or cheating by near and dear ones which has caused you to vow not to trust people. You have carried that bitterness in you and it reflects in your behaviour and relationship with others.

Do you hold unforgivenss in your heart 💔 for someone?

Are you fearful 😧?

Are you a victim of control or abuse in your life which is traumatic and you cannot get over it or share with others?

And there are several other issues which cause you to not only distance yourself from others but also from God.

Q) I have accepted Christ and I am a new creation. (2Cor 5:17). Do I need to go through this inner healing and deliverance retreat when Christ have paid it in full on the Cross?

When you accepted Christ, your spirit is renewed. The renewal and healing of the soul is a process of sanctification.

You also carry the baggage from your past before accepting Christ which needs to be dealt with. Christ finished the work on the Cross. We cannot add or take away anything from it. But we do need to appropriate that victory in our lives to experience and live in that victory. Just by believing that the victory is won is not good enough.

Q) I pray, I read the Bible daily, I go to church every Sunday. I even serve in my church. Why is this retreat required then?

Reading the bible will bring theory and knowledge. You know about God. But through the encounter, you know the person of the Word, you know Him. You know who you are and your purpose in life.

Only God can define what is right and wrong, holy and unholy, good and bad. At times, you have decided to determine for yourself what is right and what is wrong rejecting God’s revelation and obedience. Sadly, we reap the painful fruit of those wrong choices (Galatians:6:7).

Could these wrong choices and decisions extend to the way we worship God? Jesus Himself made it clear that merely using His name does not make one a Christian. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Matthew:7:21, emphasis added ).

All these are important for your daily walk with God. Through this retreat, as the hindrances to your intimacy are removed, your prayer, reading and meditation of the Word, fellowship with others, will be purposeful and not just a religious routine.

Q) Why can’t I just use prayers from the internet or Youtube and pray it myself rather than the Retreat?

You may do that. And may get some results also. But it is not an advisable approach and definitely not holistic.

The Retreat is not praying a set of teachings or prayers to address issues superficially. It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

Human heart tends to look for problems in others and not oneself. Only in an atmosphere which is conducive, the Holy Spirit will bring to you the issues. He will do it gently, lovingly and as much as you can handle. If we do this in the flesh, it can be damaging. (Mt 12:43-45)

Jesus knows exactly what are our areas of struggle. He plainly but lovingly reveals the gross parts of us. Like in the case of the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus knew the importance of revealing sin to the sinner in a loving way. He gently lets her realise what is going on with her. When we truly have an encounter with Jesus, He will do this with us too! Sometimes we don’t want to have our sin pointed out to us, and that can even occasionally make us not want to come to Him. But we should remember that He is kind and patient and He doesn’t condemn, He doesn’t point out our sin without also being there to help us overcome it and change.

What will happen when I attend Encounter Retreat?

This woman in the Bible was going to the well in the middle of the day to avoid seeing people, now comes back into town running around, gathering up as many people as she can find. What a change! They believed her based on her testimony about Him, but then they encountered Him and believed even more. This zealous religious man was persecuting believers of Christ now becomes zealous for Jesus ends up writing almost one third of the New Testament.

When we truly know Him and He has done all this work in our hearts, we can’t possibly keep it to ourselves. A true encounter with Jesus sends us out to tell others about Him.

Your Identity in Him is Revealed

Rejected are Accepted
Brokenhearted are Healed
Captives are set Free
Burdens are lifted
Receive Sonship

You Find your Purpose

Murderer rescues over 2 million people destroying an entire army
Shepherd is chosen to lead a nation
A fisherman and a persecutor become greatest apostles of their time
A woman of no repute becomes a city and a nation transformer.

Your walk is Changed

Meeting The Word builds your Faith.
Your dependence is changed, your prayer is changed, your worship is changed.
You know the source of your security, your self worth and the audience and authority of your daily walk.
You walk free and with power and authority that Jesus intended for you.

This is the start of your intimate relationship with God.
As the scales fall, you know Him. You start to worship who you know. Father is looking for such worshippers.

Jesus, died on the cross, so that the relationship that was lost, could be restored.

The Creator of the universe yearns to meet the one He loves, and this is an amazing opportunity for you to meet Him.

You can check the Events Page for upcoming Encounter Retreats.

Photographs from some earlier Encounter Retreats are at Photo & Video Gallery.

Some Testimonies of people who attended earlier Encounter Retreats are at Testimonies.

A Testimony

An online Brochure of the Encounter Retreat is embedded below.

If you are excited to organise the Encounter Retreat in your church/ministry to have an encounter with the Living God, please contact us through Invite Us.

Your privacy is important to us. Please read our Privacy Policy.