Trouble never comes by a prelude. Most of the time we realize it when we are deep into it there seems to be no escape. And the heart cries out, “Where are you, God?” Mark 4:35-41

Same was asked by the group of fishermen on a stormy night when their boat appeared to be sinking and death seemed inevitable. And Jesus was sleeping, sleeping on a cushion! They were perturbed. How can Jesus be so unconcerned by their challenges? Does he care if they survive or perish?

Like these fishermen, we also get hurt when it seems Jesus is indifferent to our problems. By praying, fasting, asking questions, some times to the extent of even rebelling are ways we try to wake Him from slumber. But the Psalmist tells us that he who keeps us will not slumber. The Hebrew word used for keep is shamar – who puts a hedge about, that is, guard; to protect, attends to, watch over, preserve, etc.

Jesus is questioning here about our faith. Where are we basing our faith on – is it on how God meets our needs, whether He does or He does not, or it is on the very person of Jesus Christ?

The King, with all authority in heaven and earth, is with you in your boat. The storm may be there, the boat may be nearly swamped, the problem may appear unsurmountable, pain and suffering may seem unending but it does not matter. The I AM is with you, why are you so afraid?

Talk to your fear and ask it to leave for nothing can separate you from the love of God.
Romans 8:38-39“…that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

When we shift our focus from the storm to “Who is He” – from our circumstances onto Jesus, He reveals Himself in a greater measure. The disciples were expecting Jesus to be concerned about them and help them. Little that they knew that even the winds and the waves obey Him!