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A Cry of His Heart

There is a midnight cry
The Bridegroom calling for the bride.
Also the bride crying out for the bridegroom.
It is a cry for Holiness, for Sanctification , for Consecration.
The Bridegroom calling the remnant.

Shared at Grace Covenant Church, Shillong on 7 November, 2021
Watch here

Intimacy with the Holy Spirit


Develop an intimacy with the Holy Spirit without any agenda or motive. Lay it all down and trust Him. Learning that dependency, a pure relationship with the Holy Spirit, just friendship with Him will launch you in a greater dimension in the realm of miracles than if you were merely seeking Him for miracles. continue reading

Need an Encounter?


The false identity we carry is the reason for our pain, shame and struggles. Many think they are defined by their past, their sins, their shame, their guilt, their occupation, their profession. People think that the solution to their problems is to try harder.
In God we never start from to do something to become, in God you are first and then you do. In Christ we start with a state of being.
n encounter with Christ will change your perspective, a new way to see yourself, a new way to live. continue reading