3 June 2013. 6pm to 930pm.
Evangelical Movie Night.
The Speiro team was welcomed by the children filled with excitement – thanks to the relationship developed through VBS on 1 June. The children joined hands and helped in setting up the playground. They shared their love by serving soft drinks and cookies from their homes. Hindi worship songs were played and slowly people started to come out of their homes and gather in the ground.
The children wanted to showcase to their parents and other folks what they learnt in VBS a couple of days back and enacted the drama based on the parable of the Lost Son.
At dusk, the event started with an opening prayer by Pastor Dugga followed by praise and worship led by Manoj and joined by Susmita, Kamlesh and Pastor Dugga.
After a brief introduction, Jesus Movie in Hindi was screened which people enjoyed with great interest. More people joined in the playground – approximately 100 young and adults and about 40 children gathered despite strong winds and rain threats.
At the end of the movie, people were challenged to surrender their lives to Jesus through a brief evangelical message on a new way of living. This was followed by an altar call which many responded to positively.
People came forward with prayer request for their needs and some queries. While the pastors were praying for peoples’ needs, soft drinks and biscuits were served. Sister Lucy helped brother Subroto in making sure no one is missed out.
Kamlesh and Subroto handled all the event logistics and arrangements.
Speiro felt the need to spiritually grow the young and adults of the area. We have decided to start 2 weekly house church service immediately to help the people to move a step closer to Jesus. This is besides the Sunday School for children.
Please check the photographs of the event in the Photo Gallery under Resources.