There are things that Jesus gave heads-up to watch out for, indicating that they will come to pass. Some of these things we don’t like – in fact, almost all of them.
In John 15:20 Jesus says, “Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also”
and in 2 Timothy 3:12, Paul writes, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
Those who follow Christ and walk with Him will be persecuted. We will attract attention, face scrutiny, and expect accusations, even from the people we trust.
People whom we believe they are there for us may be the first ones to distance themselves. Feelings of isolation will inevitably arise and we will experience pain.
Although we may have known these intellectually, experiencing them firsthand makes them undeniably real and challenging. What Jesus said holds true. We will witness the true colours of people.
But what did Jesus say?
In Matthew 10:22, He said that “you will be hated by all for His name’s sake. But those who endure till the end will be saved.”
Hated by all – even by those within our own households, our very own family members, the ones that are dear to us. Jesus Himself was hated and rejected by His own people, people who He loved; they dragged Him and nearly threw Him off a cliff (Luke 4:29). “They All deserted Him. Then everyone deserted Him and fled” (Mark 14:50). Similarly, those closest to us may betray and abandon us. However, the good news is that Jesus has overcome the world, so take heart!
Instead of despairing or questioning why these things happen, let us rejoice in this truth. Despite our suffering, that dark moment when people turn their back on you, you should know they did it to Jesus first. And it’s not that Jesus doesn’t care; in fact, He loves us so deeply that He experienced it all and endured it all for us. When we face trials, we can find solace in knowing that He stands with us. Whatever we feel inside, He felt that too. He knows.
But what should we do then? What we must do is to see them through the eyes of the Father, continuing to love them, forgive them, and pray for them, for they may not comprehend the consequences of whatever they are doing. God will give us the strength that we need and remember His Wonderful Grace is always there to empower us each day to be able to walk in victory.
“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.