True freedom is when we are free from your past wounds, free from hurts, free from bondages.
When our mind is free to think the right thoughts, our will is free to make the right choices without any fear or pressure.
Free in our emotions, to feel them and to express them in the right manner.
Free to wear what we ought to wear, free to eat what we ought to eat without any compulsion to impress someone.
Free to live upholding the moral values.
When our women are safe on our streets, children are safe in their schools, our youths are free from addiction.
Where the Spirit is the Lord, that is where the true freedom is.
Freedom is not what you want to do, but what you ought to do.
Not misusing your freedom for malicious intents but to love and honour others.
Else we will only help few to divide us for their personal evil gains allowing them to ignite anger and hatred against each other.
Pray that we, India, is truly free. That we mat know the Truth. And the Truth will set us free.
God Bless you.