Inspired by a divine vision, in the abode of clouds, it’s a haven for people to receive supernatural healing.
An atmosphere saturated by His Presence, one can come to be ministered, healed, delivered, experience freedom from any bondage, addiction, oppression, abuse, trauma, sickness or disease and be made whole by the power of God in this residential retreat centre.
The Fountain of Life is open to all irrespective of race, caste, creed, gender, religious belief, social strata - everyone is welcome to experience a life transformation.
Project cost : Rs. 5Cr for phase I setup and capital expenses, Rs. 3L per month operational expenses.

Jesus said, “Make Disciples.” Our dream project is a Discipleship Development and Caregiving Township - a residential campus for discipleship training, vocational training, leadership development to teach, coach, mentor, equip individuals for works of service in His Kingdom so that the body of Christ may be built up. The township will also have a home for children and widows and old and a rehab centre in 70 acres of land.

A customised bus to reach to the interiors of rural India with the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The same will also have provision for para-medic and care over distance support. The bus, customisation and equipment to cost approx. Rs. 1Cr. capex. and Rs. 30K monthly recurring.

Tamso maa jyotir gamaya.
From the world of darkness and ignorance, lead me, O Lord, towards the light of the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12
Jyoti is about the women who were once in darkness, rejected, bound by sin and demonic forces to now experience deliverance and freedom by the power of the Blood of Jesus. The Word, the Truth Himself ministering them by the power of His Spirit to walk away from being a victim to a victor, maturing daily in the knowledge of God. Recurring Rs. 7000 per month.

Leverage the power of Internet to take education to the interiors of rural India – starting with bridge schools and then to curriculum based distance and specialisations. The network and central equipment to cost Rs 25L. And each remote school to cost Rs. 3L capex. and Rs. 8000 monthly recurring.

God, during Rosh Hashanah of 5776 (2015), gave a vision to setup 1 Million house churches - 1 Million altars of praise and worship.

The Word of God is an essential part of maturing in Christ. However, most of the natives and tribals are illiterate. The terrain is tough for any standard MP3 player. We need ruggedised, solar powered and customised audio Bible players which are easy to use and can also be used while working in the paddy fields. We need 200 Bible players in each Khasi, Marathi, Bangla. The subsidised cost is Rs. 1.5Lac for each language including transportation and distribution costs.
- You can donate through Credit/Debit Card, NetBanking, UPI through the secured pay button below
- You can pay by cheque or DD. The cheque should be drawn in the name of Speiro Ministries.
- You can pay by IMPS or NEFT or RTGS. The bank details are:
- Account Number: 021294600000021
- Account Name: Speiro Ministries
- Account Type: Savings
- Bank: Yes Bank
- IFSC Code: YESB0000212
Please mention the project name in the description of IMPS/NEFT.
Please give your seed gift through the Donations page.