
125 of 85 items

Religion or Relationship


Are you hungry? What are you searching? If you don’t know what you are searching for, you will be satisfied with the first thing you will land upon. If you don’t know what you are looking for, say if you are thirsty for water, a cup of tea or coffee will not satisfy you, a […]

“Take heart, for I Have Overcome the World!”


There are things that Jesus gave heads-up to watch out for, indicating that they will come to pass. Some of these things we don’t like – in fact, almost all of them. In John 15:20 Jesus says, “Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they […]

You and the World


“You and the World” Does it ever happen in your life when you expect your day to go well, smooth, easy, and happy, and when you wake up, you feel good and excited, like, “THIS IS THE DAY THAT THE LORD HAS MADE; I WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT?” But it turns out […]

Happy Independence Day


True freedom is when we are free from your past wounds, free from hurts, free from bondages. When our mind is free to think the right thoughts, our will is free to make the right choices without any fear or pressure. Free in our emotions, to feel them and to express them in the right […]

Balance or Prioritisation

Balancing stuff in life is a guilt response, a response of adjustment mentality.
When you balance something, you put on one side that what you shouldn’t be doing and on the other you try to put things that you should do more often and try to reach a balance. God is either first in your life, or nothing in your life.
He is either Lord over all, or not Lord at all.
His name is Alpha, First.
When I shift my focus on the blessing from the Blesser, I lose the blessing.
But as soon as I shift my appetite from the Kingdom to its benefits, I lose both.
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