Speiro Ministries is a registered trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. The trust has been registered with the Assistant Charity Commissioner, Mumbai vide registration number E-29566(Mumbai) dated 06/05/2013 and a recognised non-profit organisation within India registered as 46525 u/s 12A(a) of the Income Tax of India Act 1961 for tax exempted religious trust which seeks to operate under the highest standards of financial accountability, integrity and excellence. All donations will be used for the objects of the Trust and for board approved projects and programs for which they are given. Should contributions exceed requirements for completion or a project terminated, funds will be redirected where most needed object of Speiro Ministries as approved by the Trustees. Speiro Ministries being a religious trust, the donations made to Speiro Ministries are not tax exempted under 80G. A receipt will be issued for all donations made to Speiro Ministries.